Customer Provided Photos of ContenderWear Costumes on & in action.
ContenderWear™— High-End Hand-Crafted Custom Dance Costumes is our flagship brand for the ultimate in costumes for dance, figure skating, and equestrian sports.
Options available to ContenderWear Customers include:
Premium Feather Options, Premium Rhinestone Brands, Applique & other digitizing services, High-End Metal & Rhinestone Closures
Includes Rhinestones & Accessories.
Completely custom from concept to bolt to stage-ready. Made in-house for quality consistency & assurance.
Solo, Duet, Trio from the mid $500 range per costume
Download an example ContenderWear estimate CLICK HERE
We offer some ready-made ContenderWear costumes, some of which are discounted. Optional 90-day layaway for RTS orders over $300.
While ContenderWear is our high-end brand for bigger budgets, it offers the best value for the dollar, intricate designs, and loaded with the best baubles from around the globe.
Brand Comparison Chart available here in PDF format to download or open in a new window: CLICK HERE
Customer provided photos of Plain Brown Label Costumes in action
We offer some ready-made Plain Brown Label costumes, some of which are discounted and can be found in our clearance section in our store. Optional 90-day layaway for orders over $300 of our ready-made products.
Plain Brown Label™
Plain Brown Label™ —Affordable Custom & Semi-Custom Dance Costumes
- PBL Custom – These are created from concept to stage-ready in-house to maintain integrity in quality & production. A tighter budget is met with straight forward designs and baubles to meet the price point.
- PBL costume still come stage-ready with rhinestones
- PBL accessories depend on overall budget
- PBL Customs start from the high $300’s per costume
- Download an example PBL estimate CLICK HERE
- PBL Semi-Custom – Partial pre-fab ready to wear can be used in part or all for some great savings
- We rework your/our provided base¹ & can add sashes, skirts, appliques, rhinestones & more
- PBL Semi-Customs start at $200
- PBL Rhinestone Service from $200, which can include shipping & minor adustments to your base
Choose any one of these options for a great affordable costume!
¹Our provided bases, whole or in part, for creating a semi-custom are parts from nationally known dance brands and/or prefab bras as per agreement.
Brand Comparison Chart available here in PDF format to download or open in a new window: CLICK HERE
HotMess Dance Apparel™
HotMessDance Apparel™ — Contemporary Dance Ensembles, Dance Costume Bases, Separates, Alterations, Additions to Existing Bases, Application of Your Baubles.
- Solo, Duo, Trio Bases from the mid to high $200’s¹
- Download an example HMDA costume base estimate CLICK HERE
- Groups from the low $200’s (each) for 4+ like costumes¹
- Add-ons to existing bases
- Alterations
- Application of your trim billed separately
- Accessories are billed as separate items
- Patterns for your/3rd party use, hand drawn from $55
Availability is limited as our first priority is to create bases for our own blinged out custom brands that come stage ready.
Customer provided photos of
HotMess Dance Apparel Costumes.
¹We work with pricing adjustments for studios that have an inhouse costume department, where allowances are given for items/services they handle inhouse. Pattern Fee Adjustments are made with the final billing, when number of patterns is known.
Brand Comparison Chart available here in PDF format to download or open in a new window: CLICK HERE
NuptialWear™ — is our brand for anything bridal & formal. It includes sleek sexy formal gowns, accessories, rhinestoning, and alterations.
When our dance season has run its course, it is usually time for spring/summer weddings & prom.
Due to the range of services offered for wedding and prom events, we don’t really have a price range for services other than…
- Alterations from $15
👈 Customer provided photos of NuptialWear garments and accessories in action.
A Custom Costume Brand For You & Your Budget
Our Custom Costume Brands Compared
This is our side-by-side costume comparison chart of our three dance brands, which have varying levels of services. You can download a full size version. Just click on the link after each dance costume brand listed and recapped above.
This is just to give you a side-by-side example of what services are covered by each of our three dance brands. Please refer to our downloadable example quotes by brand for approximation of pricing, which are available in our store CLICK HERE
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.