Please feel free to contact us if you need costuming assistance or if you have any questions. 

There are so many places to get a hold of us:

We can also meet via video chat or in-person if you are in the Southern California Inland Empire area.

Email Us

Email is to be used if you have ample time, days or weeks even before talking to us.  During the height of costume season, email is the last communication that we check on an infrequent basis.

Brand New Key Redital Costume

We are accessible & keep you updated throughout the creation of your beautiful custom costumes & garments.

Lona Smith

Meet With Lona Smith On-Line or In-Person

Out of Area Dance Costume Customers, video chat is offered for:

      • Measurement assistance
      • Remote Fittings
      • Service Related Questions 

Local Inland Empire Individual Customers & Dance Studios:

Appointments made at my address until minimums are met:

7+ ContenderWear™ costumes or 20+ HMDA bases or 40+ separates

Meet at your location on three occasions, when minimums are met & deposit has been made: 

      • Design
      • Coordinated group fitting
      • Delivery (after final payment)

You should be comfortable enough to reach out to us with any ideas, wants, or concerns before & during production of your costume.  We are accessible & share the excitement & joy of creating your custom garments via regular updates.    ❤️❤️❤️

Need to know a little more about how we work?

OK!  No problem.  Check out these links…

The Best Materials


It’s about the fit…

Hobby & Passion: Custom Costumes

Sewing costumes as a hobby allows me to coninue my beloved creative outlet. Each year, [...]
