Commissioned Custom
Remote Customers
Allow for 4 weeks if no customers are ahead of you. This is dependent upon your prompt responses and return of the fitting, your place in the queue, and that we have all supplies needed in-house.
Your costume fitting is mailed to you, we assist with the fitting via video chat, and you mail it back, so that can add 4-10 days depending upon the mail service that you want to use.
We recently tracked our timeline of a custom ContenderWear™ costume that was out-of-state, and it was completed in 2 weeks, fitting and all. Another out-of-state instance had the costume in 7 days without a fitting.
Multiple Costumes & Bases
Please check with us for time availability. Studios with 60+ costumes can take 30+ days. Since we open our bookings at the beginning of a given year, there may not be time blocks to accommodate studio wide costuming.
Ready-Made Products RTS
Ship after payment has been confirmed, which is immediately with Cash/Same-As-Cash or PayPal; optionally, you may pick them up. Other processes for payments can take 2-9 days to confirm payment. We have even had people send their currier and in some instances arrange for their UPS/FedEx account to pick-up.
Locals – S. California
A solo costume can be ready within 3 days if we have all supplies needed in-house. This of course depends on how quickly the customer makes the appointment and comes for the fitting, and it also depends on how many people are ahead of you.

ContenderWear™ Custom “Iris” Lyrical Costume
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