Semi-Custom with Patrick J
Once you have decided on semi-custom and if a Patrick J design is in play, you place a deposit, we meet with local customers to do a Patrick J fitting to make sure that you get the correct size.* Then we return the fitting leos to Patrick J and order your costume bases.
When we receive the bases, we do another fitting, make necessary adjustments, and add embellishments to make it your own.
You are still able to provide a base of your brand choice. We are all about options!
*Remote customers are encouraged to order the fitting garments directly to insure their prompt return for full reimbursement of the Patrick J fitting deposit. Local customers’ orders have minimums to qualify for LSC fitting services at your location.
Minimum orders apply if you are looking to have us order the bases, usually a minimum of 3+ Patrick J leos, depending upon pricing, making this an ideal choice for group numbers or several soloists.
With rhinestones and embellishments, expect to pay in the low to mid $300 plus sales tax and shipping if applicable.
Patrick J are the only leotard bases that we recommend outside of our own. They are consistently well made. You may choose to purchase your own Patrick J base or other separates and forward them to us.
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